iSy Brochure 2021

iSy® makes the handling of transgingival healing easier and quicker thanks to its snap-on solution. With only a single abutment change, the workflows remain super lean and the treatment period comparably short. Option 1: Transgingival healing with the impression and a temporary restoration snapped directly on to the implant base. This option is the most time- and cost-efficient, and offers the advantage of not requiring a change of abutment. Option 2: Transgingival healing with the impression on the implant base and a restoration on pre-fabricated abutments or individual abutments (e. g. DEDICAM®). There is only one abutment change (one-shift). Snap-on solutions In addition, there is the option of submerged healing with the cover cap. Esthomic® Gingiva formers, Esthomic® Abutments and impression posts are available for the classical two-stage procedure. (temp. crown)