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SCIENCE / CLINICAL RESEARCH logo 17 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • March 2018 10 membrane improves mechanical stability (Fig.4). Li et al´s [8] preclinical tests using Mem-Lok® Pliable have shown that the tensile strength is three times higher than with a comparable collagen membrane. Furthermore, the same tests show a lower degree of inflammation and fewer foreign body reactions. Clinical Application Comparative studies [3,5] have shown that choosing a bone graft material can be difficult. The needs and preferences of the clinician play as important a role as the needs of the patient. In a histomorphometric human study, Garnieri et al. [3] compared and evaluated the bone reactions of a bovine (MinerOss® X) and porcine xenograft (MinerOss® XP) that were inserted into adjacent extraction sockets. The histological results suggested that both materials were both biocompatible and osteoconductive. Gonshor and Tye [5] evaluated the behavior of inorganic xenogeneic bone graft materials (MinerOss® X and MinerOss® XP) in 10 patients with biopsies performed after 6 months. The results showed that the newly formed vital bone was in close contact with the biomaterial (Fig. 5). Conclusion The appropriate bone graft material has to be selected based on knowledge of both its properties and also its clinical outcome. The ultimate goal is predictable results, clinical success and reproducibility. The xenogeneic bone replacement materials MinerOss® X and MinerOss® XP promise the best possible “synergy of the elements”. Fig. 4: Biomechanical strength of the membrane. 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Tensile strength (g) Comparable collagen membrane available on the market 350 ± 80 74 ± 10 Mem-Lok® RCM Histology of the alveolar ridge with bovine bone replacement material MinerOss® X (Trichrome stain X 10): blue arrow = bone replacement material; yellow arrow = vital bone; red arrow = newly formed bone (osteoid) 100 micrometers Histology of the alveolar ridge with bovine bone replacement material MinerOss® X (Trichrome stain X 20): yellow arrow = vital bone; red arrow = newly formed bone (osteoid) 50 micrometers Histology of the alveolar ridge with porcine bone replacement material MinerOss® X (Trichrome stain X 20): yellow arrow = vital bone; red arrow = newly formed bone (osteoid) 50 micrometers 100 micrometers Histology of the alveolar ridge with porcine bone replacement material MinerOss® XP (Trichrome stain X 10): blue arrow = bone replacement material; yellow arrow = vital bone; red arrow = newly formed bone (osteoid) Fig. 5: Histological examinations of the alveolar ridge with the xenogeneic bone replacement materials MinerOss® X and MinerOss® XP six months postoperatively – integration and bone healing. Courtesy of Renzo Guarnieri MD DDS