Partner Magazine logo 17

logo 17 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • March 2018 25 Fig. 4: The implants were inserted using the pre-mounted implant bases. Fig. 5: The implant bases were reversed and the screw connection loosened. Fig. 6: The abutment screws were removed. Fig. 7: Due to the conical inner connection, the implant base held firm, even after removal of the screw. Fig. 10: The implants were covered. The jawbone was built up using the previously harvested crestal bone fractions. Fig. 11: For exposure purposes, the PEEK cover caps were removed. A very good bone bed was evident. Fig. 9: The internal structure of the implant became visible after removing the implant base. Fig. 12: The Locator® abutments were inserted directly during exposure. Fig. 8: An abutment disconnector was used to remove them from the implant. other words, we were dealing with a delayed immediate implantation. First, the alveolar process was exposed. The crestal atrophied ridge was removed via microsegmental osteotomy and the autologous bone harvested in this was partially used for augmentation in regio 42. The implants were inserted on both sides in regio 34 to 44 after exposing the mental foramen. (Figs. 3 and 4). Due to of the augmentation and in order not to unnecessarily complicate the wearing of the mandibular prosthesis for the patient during the healing period, submerged healing was chosen. The iSy Implant System is supplied with a premounted implant base, which is also used to insert the implant, in readiness for a transgingival healing protocol. It is also suitable without restrictions for submerged healing, however. To do this, the implants are covered with the PEEK cover caps included in the set after removing the implant base (Figs. 5 to 10). The slightly subcrestal implant positioning indicated for the system has proven to be advantageous, especially when an interim prosthesis is to be worn in the area upon which was operated. This reliably prevents interference with implant healing caused by denture pressure points. Prosthetic phase Osseointegration of the implants is completed after three months of healing. During exposure, the PEEK cover caps can be removed and the implants restored directly with the definitive Locator® abutments (Figs. 11 and 12). Impression taking can be used optionally for processing in the dental laboratory or, as in the presented case, CASE STUDY