Partner Magazine logo 17

logo 17 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • March 2018 36 depending on the other desires, however, they can also tend towards suggestive behavior. The pursuit of perfection is often the reason for an enormous level of work and performance. Example “Social Recognition” In my consultancy work I met a doctor whose personality structure had a very strong desire for recognition. In the case of this physician, the high desire for recognition had a major impact on his management style: anyone who always wants to please will find it difficult to give clear instructions, to express constructive criticism, to call a spade a spade, and to make clear decisions. Unpleasant things could not be given a positive slant, overdue instructions, and even dismissals were not issued, decisions made were frequently reversed again to escape criticism. When discussing the personality analysis, the doctor suddenly realized that he was living in wrong harmony with his team, how high his willingness was to accept the unacceptable, and how unproductive this was for all parties, including himself. It also became clear that his own perception regarding interaction in the practice was far higher than was actually the case from the employees’ point of view. The consequence of the analysis was to part company with an employed dentist, a serious critical interview with the technician, and a revision of his employment contract. Rules for constructive feedback within the team were established as were weekly fixed meetings with clear communication rules. In addition, a hierarchy was incorporated in the practice structure, so that management meetings were now was now assigned to the practice manager, who in turn was responsible for the corresponding communication within the team. By taking this step, leadership can be embodied and true harmony created. It is not difficult to see how the perception of a superior with a high desire for recognition can influence the way they treat the employees and the entire operation of the practice. However, if an employee has a high desire for recognition, this can just as well lead to unrest. Equality within the team is quickly threatened if an employee claims too much attention for themself. It is also possible that the employee quickly feels misunderstood or that the remainder of the team is stressed by the high vulnerability of an individual. Depending on their characteristics, the employee could, however, also radiate false harmony and leave a confused team behind in the event of an overhasty dismissal. Example “Structure“ In another case, two female practice partners were unhappy with each other. Minor disagreements kept building up which inevitably spread to the team. The analysis revealed that one of the practice partners set very high values in the areas of influence, autonomy, and structure. Self-image and external image did not correlate at first. She realized that she was an autonomous loner and that a single practice with a very structured practice management would always have been her field of choice. It could be shown that the parties involved were not necessarily to blame for retrospective problems but that the environment they had created was the contributing factor. It became clear to her why she often made unattainable demands on her practice partner and the employees, only to perform these herself in the end. People with a high desire for influence and structure tend towards control. People with a combination of high influence and high autonomy tend to make decisions themselfves. Misunderstandings and problems in the team were therefore predestined. Her conclusion from the analysis was to gradually withdraw from the operative side of the business through early retirement and to devote more of her time to administration – to the benefit of all. An alternative solution would have been a clear division of expertise and skills and the transfer of responsibility to employees Persönlichkeitsprofil Status Einfluss Soziale Anerkennung Neugier Besitzen Autonomie Sozialkontakte Prinzipien Soziales Engagement Struktur Sicherheit Revanche Bewegung Essensgenuss Familie Sinnlichkeit Status Einfluss Soziale Anerkennung Neugier Besitzen Autonomie Sozialkontakte Prinzipien Soziales Engagement Struktur Sicherheit Revanche Bewegung Essensgenuss Familie Sinnlichkeit 0 0 1 -1 -2 -3 2 3 34% 14% 2% 34% 14% 2% Neutral Hoch Niedrig 0 0 1 -1 -2 -3 2 3 2,7 1,6 1,5 -2,0 -0,4 -0,5 -1,5 1,4 0,5 0,7 0,8 1,4 0,9 1,9 -2,0 0,9 Persönlichkeitsprofil Status Einfluss Soziale Anerkennung Neugier Besitzen Autonomie Sozialkontakte Prinzipien Soziales Engagement Struktur Sicherheit Revanche Bewegung Essensgenuss Familie Sinnlichkeit Status Einfluss Soziale Anerkennung Neugier Besitzen Autonomie Sozialkontakte Prinzipien Soziales Engagement Struktur Sicherheit Revanche Bewegung Essensgenuss Familie Sinnlichkeit 0 0 1 -1 -2 -3 2 3 34% 14% 2% 34% 14% 2% Neutral Hoch Niedrig 0 0 1 -1 -2 -3 2 3 2,7 1,6 1,5 -2,0 -0,4 -0,5 -1,5 1,4 0,5 0,7 0,8 1,4 0,9 1,9 -2,0 0,9 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT