Partner Magazine logo 17

logo 17 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • March 2018 38 Dr. Hartmann opened the evening with information about the profession of female dentists. Her personal commitment to the dental profession and her passion for women’s independence are contagious. According to Dr. Hartmann, there is hardly any other profession that offers such a wide range of possibilities as dentistry. This applies to both employment and self-employment and is confirmed by the low risk of insolvency, which she states as being around 1 percent. Mr. Wagner referred to the high number of options available to dentists, which conversely also make it much more difficult to decide what is best for themselves. Be it self-employment or employment, in a single practice or joint practice, there are plenty of opportunities to practice dentistry. Furthermore, anyone who has already worked in different practices knows that there are different practice management styles in addition to the various medical activities. It is not easy to answer which type of work and practice culture suits one best and how one can develop these and then implement them successfully in order to combine one’s career and family life. Often people are strongly influenced by their environment. Much of what others consider to be good, meaningful, important, and valuable can influence decisions. Far too often, however, too little attention is paid to the individual’s own wishes and needs. It is important to recognize motivation, strengths, skills, values, and goals and to use them in a targeted way for fulfilled self-reliance. The fundamentals of one’s own personality have priority over goal-oriented selfmanagement and leadership of employees and the control of medical and non-medical practice processes. How to recognize these for oneself are the contents of a Peak Performance Preparation Workshop (P3) by Bernd M. Wagner. The presentation gave insights on how to determine these personal fundamentals, such as talent, strengths, values, and preferences, the most suitable working environment, commensurate responsibility, and satisfying tasks as a doctor, entrepreneur, or manager. Those interested can explore these fundamentals in his P3 workshop over three evenings and get to know themselves better in the process. This will help you gain greater An information evening of the Dentista Regional Group Stuttgart led by Dr. Amely Hartmann and in cooperation with CAMLOG, was held at the Skyloft above the roofs of Stuttgart on Tuesday, September 26, 2017. This location provided a perfect setting for the topic of personal fulfillment in self-employment. The Dentista e. V., an independent association for dentists and dental technicians, had invited Mr. Bernd M. Wagner, Manager for strategic practice concepts at CAMLOG to join them for the evening. For more than ten years now, he has been supporting and guiding doctors with specific tasks and questions to let them identify, find, or implement the right professional environment into their own practice. PERSONAL FULFILLMENT IN SELF-EMPLOYMENT HOW DO ECONOMIC SUCCESS AND PERSONAL FULFILLMENT CORRELATE? PRACTICE MANAGEMENT