Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 Conclusion During the entire treatment period there were no problems with the application and execution as well as handling of this implant system. The system was also regarded as being well designed and userfriendly by the involved master dental technician. The two-piece CERALOG® Hexalobe offers implantologists a scientifically well documented and clinically easy to implement alternative to classic titanium implants. The user-friendly system creates confidence in this new material selection in the implant sector. One of the advantages of ceramic implants is their good tissue compatibility with regard to osseointegration, gingival closure and low plaque accumulation. Our patients will certainly be increasingly pleased with the "white" version of our artificial new tooth roots. My special thanks go to MDT Timo Jäkel, Dental-Concept Berlin, for his support and the successful fabrication of the superstructures. Fig. 26: As PEKK is not radiopaque, reading the control image requires some time and experience. Fig 27: Final inspection of the crowns inserted in regions 26 and 27. CASE STUDY 16 [1] Buser D, Sennerby L, De Bruyn H. Modern implant dentistry based on osseointegration : 50 years of progress, current trends and open questions. Periodontol 2000 [2] Jacobi-Gresser. Titanüberempflicndlichkeit oder Titanunverträglichkeit? Quintessenz 2017;68(12):1413-20 [3] Bartam F. Titan als möglicher Verursacher lokaler und systemischer Gesundheitsstörungen – eine aktuelle praxisorientierte Zwischenbilanz. umwelt·medizin·gesellschaft | 1616 | 1/2009 [4] Pieralli S, Kohal RJ, Jung RE, Vach K, Spies BC. Clinical outcomes of zirconia dental implants: A systematic review. J Dent Res. 2017;96(1):38-46 [5] Cattani-Lorente M, Scherrer SS, Durual S, Sanon C, Douillard T, Gremillard L, Chevalier J, Wiskott A. Effect of different surface treatments on the hydrothermal degradation of a 3Y-TZP ceramic for dental implants. Dental Materials 2014; 30:1136-46. LITERATURE Dr. Detlef Hildebrand After training as a dental technician, Dr. Detlef Hildebrand studied dentistry at the AlbertLudwigs University in Freiburg until 1992 he became licensed to practice dentistry. In the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics in Freiburg under the Medical Director Professor J. R. Strub he worked as an assistant physician. Dr. Hildebrand received his doctorate in 1995 and was senior physician at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics in Freiburg for two years. For eight years he established the Department of Implant Dentistry at the CHARITÉ, Campus-Virchow-Klinikum, Clinic for Maxillofacial-/plastic Surgery (Director: Professor mult. h.c. J. Bier †), and has been running his private practice in the Westhafen since 1998. One year after founding the practice, he established the Dental Concept Berlin dental laboratory. Dr. Detlef Hildebrand is a Member of the Board and Secretary General of the BDIZ EDI e. V. He conducts research on implant dentistry and prosthetics as well as navigation and robotics, on which he has written various scientific papers. Contact details Chirurgisches Zentrum Berlin Dr. Detlef Hildebrand Westhafenstraße 1 13353 Berlin AUTHOR Fig. 24: The stable soft tissue situation before insertion of the crowns. Fig. 25: After integrating and checking the function and esthetics, the screw access channels were sealed.