Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 EDITORIAL 2 Dear readers Digitization in the world of dentistry is picking up speed. Many other industries are already far ahead and are predominantly working indigital processes, nowthe dental industry and implant dentistry are catching up. CAMLOG is very well positioned here; our products are increasingly being used in digital workflows. In 2018, for example, more CAMLOG implants in Germany have already been restored using digital workflows via a titanium base or individualized prosthetics than with conventional standard prosthetics. This development is being driven forward by patients, dentists and laboratories alike. In addition to the desire for higher productivity, the demand for esthetic individual restorations is constantly increasing. However, this demand can no longer be met without the possibilities of digitization and has also been instrumental in moving CAMLOG into a new direction. In the future, the focus will be on the various services involving the entire implant restoration for implant planning, scanning, design and the complete caserelated delivery of all necessary analog and digital components. However, the services are not made possible by individual institutions, but only by networks of dentists, laboratories and industrial partners. The networks are now becoming more flexible and allow participants any number of entries and exits in the future. However, we are also responsible for mastering the increasing complexity of all workflows in the networks. Challenges such as large data volumes, different data formats and different in- and outsourcing possibilities will become more and more manageable through platforms in the future, without the users having to deal with this complexity. The change in dentistry is in full swing, but the most important element for CAMLOG remains you as our users and your patients, even in times of digitization. We will accompany you during these challenges and build your individual digital network for you, just as you wish. This automatically brings us closer to our customers and enables all CAMLOG users to move into digitization. As a manufacturer of implants, we have the opportunity to invest in innovative platforms and thus also to develop workflows that enable new forms of cooperation for the networks. I have been involved in IT for more than 30 years, and there have always been trends and developments, whereby every user had to decide for himself which development he wanted to participate in. But the speed of change is faster than ever, according to the futurologists Brynjolfsson and McAfee* we have been on the famous second half of the chessboard since 2006. With each new field, the performance of digital systems doubles according to Moore's law and enables techniques that were not feasible 18 months ago. The considerable social effects of this development are still largely ignored today and will still present us with great challenges over the coming decades. Markus Stammen Director CAD/CAM and IT DIGITIZATION BRINGS US CLOSER TO OUR CUSTOMERS. * The Second Machine Age: How the next digital revolution will change all our lives. Hardcover edition – October 1, 2014 by the authors Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee