Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 since the employees then exchange information with each other more intensively. Lack of information should therefore be avoided, as it not only has an economic impact, but also a long-term impact on motivation. TIPS: • Institutionalize employee meetings (jour fix). • Even in small practices, a jour fix should not be conducted as required, but in a defined time frame. • Set these dates with adequate time allocation and during working hours. • Decide together at the jour fix, which information should flow to whom. • Introduce a management round at a large practice to discuss important information in a small circle. • Depending on the size of the practice, provide communication tools such as a notice board, practice manual, information sheets or an Intranet. Error No. 9: "Yes, but..." When an employee approaches his/her supervisor with a concern, there is hardly a phrase that is more demotivating than "Yes, but....". If employees want to submit ideas, point out shortcomings or point out deficits or potential for improvement and then receive a "yes, but..." in return, they will not bother a second time. The feeling of not being heard or not being taken seriously hits many employees hard. The logical consequence is that the employee withdraws and you will no longer hear about internal problems, difficulties, personal issues, bad news or optimizations. In the worst case the motivation to work decreases or may even result in inner resignation. TIPS: • Save time and space when an employee approaches you with a request. • If you do not have time, you should nevertheless show interest and suggest a date to discuss the matter in peace. • Even if you don't share the employee's views, it shows you how he/she thinks and feels. Appreciate this openness, because it gives you room for maneuver and shows trust. Error No. 10: Having no time As a rule, a manager devotes only 15 percent of the time budget to the employees. As a dentist, however, you are not only the boss, but also an expert or specialist, manager, team developer, motivator and even CEO, CFO, buyer, marketing manager, HR manager and much more, so that there is usually relatively little time left for the employees in dental practices. Add to this the feeling that one spends the whole day with the employees. Unfortunately, however, there is often not enough time for a qualitative exchange, which in turn makes cooperation more difficult. Frustration then quickly arises on both sides. This makes it all the more important to invest in the human resources of the practice! TIPS: • Check where you can restructure. What is ineffective? What can be delegated? Where is time being wasted? • Prepare yourself well for appraisal reviews. Although this takes time in advance, it has a positive effect on efficiency and also signals appreciation to the employee. • Define fixed times during which you have an open ear for your staff. This condensed presentation already shows how many errors sometimes creep in unconsciously in everyday working life and what – often unimagined – effects this can have. Avoiding mistakes alone does not constitute good leadership; however, it provides a solid basis for a respectful and appreciative approach in everyday working life. From a system-oriented point of view, superordinate elements are responsible for a benevolent coexistence. For this reason, I would like to devote the next issue to the topic of "unwritten laws in teams". PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 37 Andrea Stix, M.Sc., MBA Consultant for Communication Strategy and Practice Marketing Coach, NLP-Master, Specialist for personality diagnostics