Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 LIFESTYLE 38 HELLO FUTURE, WE'RE COMING! As a mocker rightly pointed out, forecasts are difficult to make mainly because they concern the future... CAMLOG therefore does not even want to try looking into the fog of a crystal ball or read coffee grounds, but rather to take up the cause of well-founded optimism. The intricate interlocking of yesterday and tomorrow can be debated for a long time, or presented in a picture like Schiller: "Time changes – and new life blooms from the ruins". CAMLOG once formulated this profound statement from old, which forms the breeding ground for the future in its passing, in connection with the company's history and a series of further training courses successfully conducted some time ago as follows: "Future needs origin". In ancient Rome, the god Janus, who had two faces to meet this challenge, was responsible for this two-way view of human existence. Society is changing There is no need to lay cards to realize that the baby boomer generation is gradually withdrawing from working life and Generation Y is gradually taking over. What drives the Y-generation, what is important to them, what less important? ZEIT Campus, the online version of ZEIT, once described Generation Y very aptly in December 2016: "They grew up with Helmut Kohl as permanent chancellor; on their way on holiday, their parents battled with roadmaps on their lap in the front of the car; they waited for days until their photos were developed, were banned from sandboxes in Chernobyl, recorded songs from the radio with cassette recorders; they knew their friends' telephone numbers by heart, watched Jurassic Park and Forrest Gump in the cinema – and The Silence of the Lambs secretly on video.“ Generation Y In contrast to the baby boomers, who in part related to the '68, the Y Generation no longer dreams of revolutionary fantasies or opting out, but instead, stands with both feet on the ground and, for example, ponders on how stress can be reduced, writes DIE ZEIT. Or they try to implement their specific ideas of equality in their daily work. That they occasionally fall short of their own expectations – no question about it; there are setbacks and relapses into old role models – is a part of this. But the wishes of the majority of these ten million people are clear. The more of them who climb the professional ladder, the stronger their influence will become. And the more they can do to narrow the gap between ideals and reality. Even pragmatists not only want to be just satisfied, but also happy; which lets them shake hands with the 68ers. The example of implant dentistry Many years ago there were some daredevil dentists who had a dashing idea: Their adventurous plan was to replace missing teeth with bone plugs – would you believe it! This therapy, which at first was met with deep suspicion, has now become as futuristic as smartphones and the Internet. Against this background, dental implant dentistry seems to us to be an excellent example of a generation change in which proven methods have been adopted, pragmatically combined with visionary ideas and brought to sustainable success. While generations of dentists held the drill in their hands and tried to stop tooth decay and, as tireless lone fighters, placed amalgam filling after amalgam filling, today's practices are increasingly developing into networked service bases in a digital workflow whose cybernetic loops generate increased patient benefits.