Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 COVER STORY 5 "Functional" gingiva In the first session of the main scientific program, the internationally renowned speakers Professor Mariano Sanz, Professor Anton Sculean and Dr. Edward P. Allen acknowledged the importance of healthy peri-implant soft tissue for implant success and demonstrated techniques for thickening and widening the gingiva using different grafts and tunnel/pouch techniques. A sufficiently broad band of keratinized gingiva is crucial for both implants and recession covers of natural roots. According to Edward P. Allen, this consisted of both free and fixed gingiva and he therefore suggested speaking more accurately of "functional" gingiva. The best of both worlds How far has the digital workflow progressed and how mature is virtual impression taking in practice? This was the topic of the second session with the speakers Dr. Wiebe Derksen, Dr. Tabea Flügge and the team Dr. Peter Gehrke and DT Carsten Fischer. Both the moderator of these lectures, Professor Florian Beuer, and the speakers themselves agreed that digitization is a "game changer" and is making rapid progress. Even if the analog steps are still necessary to close the digital workflow, all speakers motivated the delegates to deal with the new technologies. According to Wiebe Derksen, digital planning is very efficient and team-oriented due to the matching of scanning and DVT data. He loves the design process and the exchange with the dental technician. In contrast, he considers 3D-printed models not to be very precise and surface-true and therefore relies on passivation models from the laboratory