Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 COVER STORY 6 for large-span reconstructions. This was confirmed by Tabea Flügge in her statement that the precision of digital impressions decreases with increasing span and number of implants. The scanner itself and the scanning protocol have a significant influence on the accuracy of digital impressions of implants. Dr. Peter Gehrke and Carsten Fischer believe that ready-to-use standard parts make no sense in the digital workflow. In the past, they have also dealt very intensively with the various quality criteria of CAD-CAM-manufactured reconstructions in their own studies, such as precision and surface quality, and very often rely on the DEDICAM® manufacturing services. Despite the CADCAM technology, which they regard as being indispensable, manual reworking and finishing by the dental technician is always necessary in addition. Trend to early protocols Professor Bilal Al-Nawas opened the session "Treatment concepts" with an analysis at the time of implantation. However, for him, an ideal implant position, sufficient primary stability and adequate augmentation measures are more important than the time of implant placement. Wherever possible, he strives for immediate or early implant placement, as his patients benefited from shorter treatment times and less extensive soft tissue augmentation. In the case of infected alveoli or the need for GBR measures, immediate implant placement should be avoided. The trend towards earlier loading protocols is also followed by the PROGRESSIVELINE implant design presented to the public in Rotterdam for the first time by Dr. Kai Zwanzig and Christian Rähle (Director of Research and Development, CAMLOG). This is very well suited for soft bone and compromised implant sites and follows a standard surgical protocol without the use of special instruments. The design of the implant body (apical conical, cranial cylindrical) and the thread (sawtooth-like) allow a wide range of indications and allow safe insertion torques in all bone classes through a multi-stage drilling protocol. The new PROGRESSIVE-LINE will be available as of IDS 2019 in a CAMLOG® version (Tube-inTube® connection) and subsequently in a CONELOG® version (conical connection), according to Rähle. According to Dr. Jan Klenke, the iSy® Implant System is ideal for immediate implantation and immediate restoration concepts. Tooth extraction, implant placement, soft tissue thickening and temporary restoration using a multifunctional cap on the pre-mounted implant base can be performed very comfortably in just one session. Studies and his own experiences have proven that transmucosal healing has no negative influence on implant success. According to the "One-shift" concept, the implant is "opened" for the first time by removing the implant base for the final restoration and then appears very "clean" – an intelligent concept with advantages for biology and esthetics. Ceramic implants – an alternative to titanium? PD Dr. Daniel Thoma and a research group at the University of Zurich have been working on comparative studies between titanium and zirconium dioxide implants for a long time and presented some of these studies and their results. Seen overall, osseointegration and marginal bone preservation are the same for both implant materials. With the latest generation of zirconium dioxide implants, they had observed a greater overall soft tissue volume compared to titanium implants. Furthermore, it appears that zirconium dioxide implants