Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 COVER STORY 9 the existing values and contents into the new organization. The close relationship of the Board to the previous Chairman Professor Jürgen Becker also contributed to this and he was expressly thanked for his services. CAMLOG is the Founding Partner of the new, independent organization. During the press conference, Dr. René Willi, Member and Delegate of the CAMLOG Board of Directors, emphasized the close partnership between the OR Foundation and CAMLOG, particularly in the areas of research and training. The objective of the OR Foundation to promote the oral health of patients by supporting science and education, links scientists, practitioners and the industry and was the central theme of the first OR Global Symposium throughout the partner network – a truly custom-tailored prelude in a royal environment! And what happens next? Simply stay connected to the OR Foundation via your smartphone! You can meet the online community "INSIGHTS Dental“ at on the Internet or the mobile app (see AppStore or PlayStore), which already accompanied you during the symposium. Create your individual profile – you will be informed daily about everything worth knowing in your areas of interest. Exchange ideas with peers on current topics and benefit from the latest publications from recognized experts in a rapidly developing online community. And of course you will also be provided with the latest information on the OR Global Symposium from 30 April to 2nd May 2020 in New York.