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logo 19 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • December 2018 LIFESTYLE 34 FRANKFURT AM MAIN THE AWESOME METROPOLIS FOR THE ADVANCED The author of the following lines spent twelve exciting years of his life in the metropolis on the Main. In this respect, he is not a novice to Frankfurt and anything but neutral. But was Romeo when he made overtures to Julia? Do you know what olives have in common with Frankfurt? Both are not for beginners – you either love or hate the Mediterranean fruits and the partially chaotic Federal Republic traffic and financial center. Here is a very selective visitor’s guide to the Main metropolis, which makes no claim to completeness. But to honest emotions. The wild side of life Frankfurt is not a city that loves chaos, but gets down to business without frills as visitors notice straight away when walking from the main railway station towards Kaiserstrasse, Moselstrasse and Elbestrasse. Here is where the multicultural scene abounds: a colorful hustle and bustle of every kind, huge numbers of small shops and restaurants from all over the world. A definite must: order a remarkable sea bream for a lousy EUR 9 in Alim’s fish snack bar; pay attention to the fish on your plate, not to the premises. If you are looking for hot investment tips, here you can meet scores of city bankers at lunchtime. At night it is better to stay clear of the train station district; this is where things turn really hardcore. Hibbdebach is the home of money North of the Main River, called Hibbdebach in Frankfurt, the rampant skyline clearly shows who is in the driving seat. Enjoy the fantastic view of Mainhattan’s skyline – best after an extensive tour of the Museum Embankment – while visiting the location of the Frankfurt Rowing Club near the Friedensbrücke [bridge]. Traditional food, reasonable prices. Or a bit further up the river: from the Oosten harbor restaurant near the European Central Bank at Weseler Wharf: a magnificent view of downtown Frankfurt. Motto: things are often clearer from a distance. Dribbdebach is the home of culture Southof theMainRiver, Dribbdebach, there is culture galore, full of museums on the banks of the Main, including 15 museums directly by the river. One should definitely visit the Städel Art Institute so as not to be considered a cultural ignoramus, it is simply known to all and sundry. There are many more sights worth seeing on this cultural mile, but this is best left to one’s own spirit of adventure. We conclude by saying: German Film Museum, Liebighaus and so on and so forth. In view of the long and varied Jewish history and culture in Frankfurt, a visit to the Jewish Museum in the Rothschild Palais Hibbdebach at Untermainkai 14/15 is particularly recommended. Mercy, the Hessians are coming! Anyone who wants to down a few glasses of cider will inevitably be drawn to Sachsenhausen: “Fraa Wirtin, noch en Bempel, gelle?” (Landlady, let’s have another jug, right?) But not to the center of the amusement district, where on weekends hordes of boisterous young men and women from Vogelsberg and Wetterau act out their excesses,where the most horrible meat rolls are sold to tourists as rump steaks at fillet prices, and where you become aware of the transience of life when you look at the pretzels wilting away at table stands. If it has to be Äbbelwoi (cider), then best go to the 3 Steubern in Dreieichstraße. But hurry, the landlord is fast approaching ninety, and successors are not in sight. Flambéed Handkäs’ (special cheese), the gentrified version of the original Hessian