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logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine Case study | 15 13. A conventional impression is taken six months after surgery to manufacture the definitive restoration. To do this, the temporary bridge is unscrewed and the COMFOUR abutments are cleaned. The impression is taken at the level of the bar abutments. 14. The posts for the closed tray technique were screwed on at abutment level and hand-tightened. The impression was taken using a modified plastic tray (Impregum/3M Espe). A master cast with removable gingival mask is created in the laboratory. 17. The wax-up is scanned and merged with the previously obtained data. This results in the anatomically reduced design of the screw-retained bridge construction. This design is transferred to DEDICAM together with the physical master cast. In the case of comprehensive or directly screw-retained reconstructions, the model data are tactilely scanned by the manufacturing service provider and matched with the CAD laboratory data. 18. The connection points of the NPM framework to the abutments are machined and polished to the highest fit by the milling center. In the laboratory, the correct stress-free fit of the bridge construction is first checked by performing a Sheffield test. It is therefore essential to remove the gingival mask for an optimum check. 15. A correction splint is created on the master cast, which is used to check the accuracy of the impression in the patient's mouth. The passive fit is checked via the Sheffield test. This intermediate step is an important measure before the metal framework is designed and ordered. If there are any deviations in fit, the splint can be separated, re-bonded in the patient's mouth and the model corrected. 16. Bite registration is then performed in the mouth by applying a wax wall on the splint. Following bite registration and a functional-analytical diagnosis of the patient, the transfer is made to the articulator using a facebow. A wax-up is made from prefabricated teeth on the splint, which is screw-retained in the mouth and checked for esthetics and function.