Partner Magazine logo 49

logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine Case study | 19 1. A 52-year-old patient presented in the practice. Medically inconspicuous, he had been referred by his family dentist with a request for a treatment proposal after a defective ceramic crown 21 and a fracture of tooth 22 had been diagnosed. The dentist had removed the defective crown and replaced it with a temporary. 3. The soft tissue in regio 22 was anatomically shaped and presented as a thick biotype. At first sight, good conditions to consider immediate implantation. However, due to the functional abnormalities, immediate loading had to be refrained from. The therapeutic concept of immediate implantation was now clarified via DVT diagnostics. 5. This revealed an intact buccal lamella with moderate deterioration of the crestal alveolar bone. The apical lesion at 22 as well as the epicrestal fracture line were clearly visible. Due to the lack of a ferrule effect, a revision of the root filling with a post build-up did not promise a stable long-term prognosis. 2. The clinical findings revealed significant abrasion of the natural anterior teeth and a sunken jaw relation and function-related changes in the horizontal plane. Tooth 22 was deeply fractured subgingivally, painful and exhibited an apical lesion. 4. Due to the large number of pretreatments, complex overall evaluation using three-dimensional imaging (DVT 10 x 10) was performed following the clinical diagnostics. With the opportunity of viewing the imaged structures from all sides, treatment planning improves as does patient safety. 6. At the same time, digital impressions were taken of the maxillary and mandibular situations. For one, to meet the requirement of adequate time management. For the other, to appropriately shape or support the soft tissue with the aid of a pre-surgically manufactured temporary restoration.