Partner Magazine logo 49

logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine 26 | Case study 7. The palatal root portion as well as the complete root apex are removed in individual sections. A root fragment with a healthy periodontium remained in the crestal region on the labial side of the socket [1]. This fragment was to provide the soft tissue, but in particular the bundle bone, with the biological information that the periodontal attachment remains intact, as if the tooth were still in the alveolar compartment. 8. Animal studies have documented the preservation of buccal periodontal structures both at the histological level and the volumetric stability of the surrounding structures when the socket shield technique is used [6]. The implants exhibited physiologic osseointegration with new cementum formation in the coronal region and true periodontal attachment. 9. Prior to implant bed preparation according to protocol, the root fragment had to be thinned out somewhat to avoid direct contact with the implant. Precise preparation of the tooth fragment and insertion of the implant in the palatal alveolar bone are key to successful treatment with the socket shield technique [7]. 10. The prepared buccal root remnant supports the crestal region of the vestibular bone lamella. When applying the socket shield technique, filling of the jumping distance with bone substitute material can be dispensed with. The precise, palatally oriented positioning of the CONELOG PROGRESSIVE-LINE implant is performed with the aid of guided surgery. The macro design of the implant is designed for immediate restoration protocols. 11. The drilling template was placed and the implant bed was prepared with intermittent movements according to protocol. Tempered sterile saline solution was used as cooling fluid throughout the drilling procedure. 12. A PROGRESSIVE-LINE implant (CONELOG 3.8 x 13 mm) was inserted fully guided in the correct prosthetic 3D position in the palatal part of the extraction socket. The apically conical implant body as well as the projecting thread design allow for sufficient primary stable anchorage.