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logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine Case study | 27 13. The implant was screw-retained up to the predefined stop on the insertion post, whereby an insertion torque of more than 35 Ncm was achieved. Insertion with the aid of a template offers advantages particularly in these cases, as slipping of guided drills is avoided from the outset. 14. The implant was placed approximately 1.5 mm subcrestally in the palatal alveolar wall, at a sufficient distance to the root remnant. Due to the conical apical implant body, there was no risk of injuring the buccal apical bone lamella. Augmentations and replacement material were dispensed with. 17. After importing the STL file into a professional software (Exocad dentalCAD), the interim restoration was finalized on a titanium-based CAD/CAM in the practice and milled within half an hour (Ceramill Motion 2 5X, Amann Girrbach AG). 18. When designing the temporary crown, the focus was on the design of the peri-implant soft tissue as well as an esthetic shape of the crown. The concave portion provides sufficient space for the formation of a thick soft tissue cuff. The transition to the labial shape defines the crown emergence profile. 15. As the implant achieved an insertion torque of more than 35 Ncm, it could be immediately restored with a screw-retained, one-piece temporary crown. Therefore, a scanbody was screwed in immediately after implant insertion to record and digitally scan the 3D position of the implant. 16. To fixate the flap, the soft tissue was sutured microsurgically and atraumatically (Cytoplast 6-0 PTFE). As a result of this minimally invasive implantation, there was no bleeding or pain, nor swelling or hematoma.