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logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine 34 | Products © In addition to the barrier function, other properties of a membrane are becoming increasingly important. What effect does the NovoMatrix have on the soft tissue? NovoMatrix has consistently shown stronger positive effects on oral cell behavior than comparable products according to studies, suggesting improved soft tissue regeneration capabilities [4]. The NovoMatrix serves as a guide for the soft tissue and optimally supports it during closure and thickening. Secondary granulation may even improve the soft tissue situation as the strip of keratinized gingiva is widened. What role does membrane vascularization play and to what extent is early angiogenesis into the collagen structure beneficial? Basically, vascularization is a prerequisite for life and therefore also for new tissue. In addition, cellular defense can only be successful when vascularization is present, because cells are transported by blood vessels. Vascularization is the first step in the incorporation of a material. Early vascularization is evidence that the membrane is readily biocompatible and determines whether a foreign material is rejected or accepted. Thus, resorption is not a prerequisite for tissue formation, but the nature of the tissue-implant contact and the subsequent behavior of the matrices is of enormous importance. As, for one, there are no foreign body reactions to the natural structure and, for the other, there is no fibroblast apoptosis, the body therefore initially sees no reason to degrade the NovoMatrix. Due to protein permeability and the colonization with cells and vessels, the NovoMatrix is revitalized, behaves biomimetically vis à vis the mature tissue and is then included in the natural remodeling process according to the description of remodeling. Camlog’s portfolio now includes membranes of porcine, bovine or synthetic origin with different properties. What criteria are critical for selection and clinical success? A membrane provides mechanical protection for both the graft material as well as the soft tissue. It acts as a kind of “buffer” that minimizes the external mechanical stress caused by tongue movements, chewing, temporaries, suture tension, as well as the internal stress caused, for example, by the additional volume or the form of a block support, on the oral mucosa. As a general rule, any treatment must be “biologically adequate” and related to the indication. For the treatment strategy, this means that risk factors and the patient’s overall situation are ultimately decisive for the choice of membranes. © © © Bone deficit of the facial alveolar bone Evaluation of the defect size and freshening of the bone Bedding of the bone substitute material Covering the site with a trimmed NovoMatrix