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the Camlog Partner Magazine logo 50 | the Camlog Partner Magazine 12 | Science Science| 13 SCIENCE Peter Thommen Clinical Research Associate Camlog » Clinicians and patients expect medical devices to perform their function and comply with safety requirements. Manufacturers, on the other hand, are compelled by directives and regulations to thoroughly test and document products before placing them on the market. Even more important are scientific data which confirm the performance of the products preclinically and clinically. Camlog has supported studies and their publication in collaboration with universities and clinicians right from the beginning. The brochure "Camlog and Science" will be republished shortly and contains a summary of the current scientific evidence for the CAMLOG® and CONELOG® Implant Systems with the objective of strengthening the confidence of dentists and dental technicians in our systems on the basis of facts and science. The importance of science For the benefit of the patient, a restoration with a dental implant should ideally last a lifetime. Numerous factors and parameters are responsible for a successful outcome, including the choice of implant system. A prerequisite for predictable clinical outcomes in dental practice is scientific data, in other words, evidence-based implant systems. Preclinical and clinical studies and the knowledge gained help to understand and optimize the interface between the dental implant and the surrounding oral tissues. For Camlog, science represents a cornerstone in the development of its implant systems. In addition, efficacy and safety of the products are continuously supported by long-term clinical data. In collaboration with universities and clinics, new product features, such as the introduction of the Platform Switching concept, were first investigated in preclinical and ex-vivo studies and finally the positive effect was verified in clinical trials. Over the years, this commitment to science has led to numerous publications and their number continues to increase. New edition of "Camlog and Science" Due to new product lines such as the PROGRESSIVE-LINE, the availability of long-term data and new findings in the digital field, the time has come for a new edition of our well-known customer brochure "Camlog and Science". The new documentation in English will provide a clear presentation of key study results on the CAMLOG® and CONELOG® Implant Systems. Emphasis is also placed on the clinical benefits of the scientific results for applications in dental practice. "Camlog and Science" is designed to help our customers understand the evidence-based benefits of the CAMLOG® and CONELOG® Implant Systems, despite the high volume of publications. Questions regarding the effect of the Promote® Implant surface, the precision of the implant connection, the behavior of oral tissue surrounding implant restorations and the different clinical therapy concepts are substantiated with numerous data and summarized in a topic-specific manner. The document will be ideally suited for reference purposes and to assist in the selection of treatments. Furthermore, it assists dentists, clinicians and dental technicians to stay abreast of the latest scientific developments and to effectively apply the derived knowledge in clinical practice. Delivering science to customers "Camlog and Science" is part of an initiative to bring science and its implications for clinical practice in implant dentistry closer to our customers. The intention is to differentiate between the different needs of customer groups in terms of science and to present the content in a comprehensible manner. Specific questions and areas of interest should be easy to access. Depending on the needs, the information ranges from brief summaries to full publications. In future, the "Camlog and Science" brochure will be supplemented periodically with new study results. And of course, Camlog as a company will continue to invest in ongoing and future research in implant dentistry. Summary The CAMLOG® and CONELOG® Implant Systems are evidence-based and new products and properties are investigated continuously in scientific studies. The new edition of the "Camlog and Science" brochure summarizes the most important studies on the safety and performance of the two systems and highlights their benefits for patient treatment. The document will soon be available in the Media Center at Send an e-mail to and we will inform you as soon as it is available. A printed version can also be requested using the same address. Available soon! The new "Camlog and Science" brochure will be published in English Preclinical and clinical study results with the CAMLOG® and CONELOG® Implant System - a documentation of clinical success Camlog and science - concise in one brochure