Partner Magazine logo 18 – July 2018

logo 18 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • July 2018 ABOUT CAMLOG 32 ALLTEC DENTAL IN AUSTRIA INTERVIEWWITH ALEXANDER JIRKU AND PIERRE RAUSCHER In Austria, CAMLOG products have been distributed by our partner Alltec Dental for many years. The company is one of the market leaders in the country. The multi-brand strategy was implemented in a similar way as in Germany. Alltec Dental GmbH has been part of the CAMLOG Group since October 2017 and can thus make greater use of the synergies. The logo editorial team spoke with Alexander Jirku, General Manager Austria and Switzerland since October 2017, and Pierre Rauscher, Sales Manager Austria. Mr. Jirku, to what do you attribute the long-lasting success of Alltec Dental in Austria? We live our corporate values, for which every single employee in the team is responsible. These are our roots for stable growth. In addition to our highquality medical devices as well as our farsightedness to respond to market changes, our employees are our guarantors of success and brand ambassadors. They are the ones who transfer this vitality to our customers. It is this team spirit, which we have been living since our foundation in 2001, that makes us successful. Our entire team is open and optimistic about the future. Right across the spectrum, be it analog or digital. Is that why you were also involved in the "Spectrum" marketing campaign? We are permanently expanding our range of products and are constantly developing our service further. And the focus is always on customers and patient needs. They form the basis of our existence and for this we give 100 percent. The quality of the products and the trust are essential for a good and cooperative relationship with our customers. We have worked hard to achieve this over the last 17 years. In a market environment where suppliers' products are becoming increasingly similar, we distinguish ourselves through a large product portfolio, know-how and services, all from a single source. This is how we make our customers successful. Mr. Rauscher, with DEDICAM, the CAD/CAM prosthetic solution, you are introducing novelties at a rapid pace. Where is the journey heading? Digitization has become an integral part of interdisciplinary dentistry, as it significantly changes work processes. The open interfaces enable our customers in the dental practice and laboratory to use their preferred systems in their daily work and to connect them in series. Customers without a CAD infrastructure can also benefit from DEDICAM, because highly qualified dental technicians design reconstructions on a model basis in the Scan & Design Service and then import them into CAM production. The implant planning service closes yet another gap