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logo 19 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • December 2018 fabricated replacement prosthesis was used for the intermediate restoration. This so-called travel prosthesis can serve as a temporary solution for the patient in the event of repairs to her restoration. (Figs 38 and 39). Finishing The placement of the final denture takes less time, as the supraconstruction fits precisely due to the exact intraoral bonding and no longer makes any friction correction necessary. (Figs 40 and 41). The consolidation of the BRM as well as the good peri-implant bony conditions are shown in the x-rays (Figs. 42 to 45) after placement of the definitive denture. Discussion The double crown technique on implants is able to offer esthetically appealing solutions while at the same time offering patients a high level of safety in terms of function and stability [1]. Furthermore, the fixed but removable prosthetics offer universal sustainability when external help is needed in old age or in case of repairs, and last not least in case of dental treatment. The removable denture also guarantees good hygienic capability and a desirable good prognosis as a result [2,3]. Due to their easy handling and small diameter, the one-piece LODI implants can be used to stabilize the temporary restoration for implant-protected healing. In the present case, we decided to integrate them into the treatment plan as interim implants. The integration on the resilient locators was not an option for the treating team for the telescope restoration. Acknowledgements My sincere thanks go to the friendly patient as well as to my consistently motivated professional treatment team. I am especially indebted to MDT Robert Russek, who supports me daily with advice and assistance with his profound dental technical knowledge. Fig. 32: The individual DEDICAM abutments or primary parts were screwed in. Tooth 16 and the LODI implants in region 12, 22 were removed in this session. CASE STUDY 10 [1] Koller B, Att W, Strub JR. Survival rates of teeth, implants, and double crown-retained removable dental prostheses: a systematic literature review. Int J Prosthodont 2011; 24:109-117 [2] Verma R, Joda T, Brägger U, Wittneben JG. A systematic review of the clinical performance of tooth-retained and implant-retained double crown prostheses with a follow-up of ≥ 3 years. Int J Prosthodont. 2013;22:2-12 [3] Weng D, Richter EJ. Maxillary removable prostheses retained by telescopic crowns on two implants or two canines. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2007;27:35-41 LITERATURE Fig. 38: The temporary restoration in the upper jaw was smoothed at the points of the primary parts and relined there with permanent soft relining material. Fig. 39: As the telescope abutments remain in the mouth until the final restoration, a prefabricated travel prosthesis was placed in the lower jaw. Fig. 31: The telescope solution was realized with custom-made CAD/CAM telescope abutments and galvanic caps. Fig. 33: The screw-retained temporary restoration and the COMFOUR Abutments were removed from the lower jaw and the four DEDICAM telescope abutments were placed. Fig. 37: The splints for determining bite registration had been prepared in the laboratory on the tertiary frameworks.