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logo 19 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • December 2018 NEWS 26 ISY EXPERT DISCUSSION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FRANKFURT AT THE ROUND TABLE OF THE DEUTSCHER ÄRZTEVERLAG In September of this year, the editorial staff of the Deutscher Ärzteverlag invited iSy users to a discussion round on the topic of modern patient-friendly treatment concepts at the University of Frankfurt. Can time-saving protocols attract new patients? Doctors Maximilian Blume, Jan Klenke, who was linked live from Hamburg, Andreas Kraus and Conrad Kühnöl discussed patient wishes and therapy protocols for the future moderated by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Robert Sader. When asked “what patient expectations and wishes can an implant concept meet”, the discussion quickly picked up momentum. Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. Robert Sader, Director of the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Center for Surgery of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, moderated the discussion. He has been working with iSy for five years and sees the advantages in simple handling and shorter treatment times. At the beginning, the four iSy experts presented their treatment concepts in a presentation and jointly developed patient- and practice-relevant features of the concept. Dr. Conrad Kühnöl, who runs a fully digitized practice in Dresden, was looking specifically for an implant system that would fit into his practice concept, “and that’s iSy. With its components, it meets the requirements of a fully digital workflow.” he added. He also focused on the cost efficiency of reconstruction with iSy based on a cost breakdown of an implantological single-tooth restoration compared to a conventional bridge restoration. He uses iSy as an all-round talent in all indications. For Dr. Jan Klenke, Hamburg, iSy is “a blessing” for immediate restoration in the esthetic field. The factory pre-assembled implant bases can be used to fabricate highly esthetic temporary restorations and can be snapped on directly – an absolute unique selling point”. The emergence profile is shaped in an elegant manner. As the implant base is not removed until the final prosthesis is inserted, the soft tissue at the implant shoulder is not manipulated. Klenke: “I am not aware of any system with such clean interior conditions.” “A blessing for immediate restoration in the esthetic field.” Dr Jan Klenke “Fits perfectly into a digital practice” Dr. Conrad Kühnöl