Partner Magazine logo 19

logo 19 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • December 2018 3 logo – the CAMLOG Partner Magazine • Publication dates: twice per year• Publisher: CAMLOG Vertriebs GmbH • Maybachstr. 5 • D-71299 Wimsheim Telephone: +49 7044 9445-100 • Telefax: +49 800 9445-000 •, Editorial staff: Oliver Ehehalt (responsible), Michael Ludwig, Anela Mehic, Françoise Peters, Andrea Stix, Ingrid Strobel • Photos: all photos are by CAMLOG except the photos on pages 1,  25,  35, 27-30, 32-35:, p.4-5: INSIGHTS Dental, p.6-23: see list of authors, p.26-27: Anne Barfuß • Design: Kerstin Gerhardt • Print: Wurzel Mediengruppe, Esslingen • Print run: 18.000 copies. Note: Named contributions express the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. Trademarks mentioned in the articles may be legally registered trademarks, as indicated in each case when first mentioning a trademark in this publication. For better legibility we do not indicate the corresponding brand name in the rest of the document. CONTENT SCIENCE / CLINICAL RESEARCH • INSIGHTS Dental, the personalized knowledge platform and APP 8 CASE STUDY • Complex rehabilitation using implant-supported telescope constructions 10 Dr. Eleftherios Grizas • Implant esthetics – Interplay between superstructure and soft tissue 16 PD Dr. Gerhard Iglhaut • Reconstruction of a three-dimensional bone defect with patient-specific CAD/CAM titanium mesh 22 Dr. Amely Hartmann, Dr. Marcus Seiler MSc. MSc., Dr. Silke Stuff PRODUCTS • PROGRESSIVE-LINE is coming: new implant body – proven connection 32 INTERNATIONAL • Greater presence in Western Europe – CAMLOG acquires majority stake in Pro-CAM Implants B. V. 33 NEWS • iSy expert discussion at the University of Frankfurt – at the Round Table of the Deutscher Ärzteverlag 34 • New sales building in Wimsheim inaugurated – CAMLOG expands its location in Germany 36 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT • Leadership: unwritten rules in teams 38 LIFESTYLE • Frankfurt am Main – AWESOME metropolis for the advanced 50