Partner Magazine logo 19

SCIENCE / CLINICAL RESEARCH logo 19 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • December 2018 4 INSIGHTS Dental, the Smart Companion platform, is designed for professional continuing education in dentistry. It was already introduced in April 2018 at the Oral Reconstruction Global Symposium in Rotterdam. Registered dentists have access to a dedicated community, use the personalized dental knowledge platform for expert discussions, benefit from exclusive features such as the Social Wall and current program updates. More than 140,000 surgeons covering a wide range of medical specialties are already using the network worldwide. INSIGHTS DENTAL, THE PERSONALIZED KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM AND APP The unique technology platform enables the provider, Medical INSIGHTS AG, to independently aggregate neutral medical content from different online sources in an appealing and innovative manner. The mission of Medical INSIGHTS AG, founded in 2011 in Basle, Switzerland, is to become the world’s leading, subject-specific, dynamic mobile magazine and information platform for individual medical specialties. A platform that allows specialists to stay up-to-date and to focus on the content that is most relevant to them while interacting with colleagues, thought leaders and industry partners. Time-independent selective further training opportunity In April 2018, Medical INSIGHTS provided the INSIGHTS Dental global knowledge community app free of charge to professionals working in dentistry and dental implantology. The Oral Reconstruction Foundation was one of the first partners to be integrated into this community platform. Join the knowledge communities and interact with dentists from around the world and exchange views with opinion leaders. Share your knowledge in a global community of practitioners and specialists. The members receive content specially tailored to their needs from dental journals, PubMed as well as reputable associations. By utilizing the subject-specific, personalized, up-to-date and mobile knowledge offers you are sent, you can train yourself further according to your needs and in your own time as well as contributing to the further training of others. Personal privacy and data protection are a central focus Medical INSIGHTS personalizes the service according to the individual interests of the community members. They have control over all data stored about you