Partner Magazine logo 19

logo 19 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • December 2018 30 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT In my previous article, I explained in detail how quickly discord can complicate everyday working life and what – sometimes lasting – consequences this can have, using the ten most common management mistakes. Disputes of any kind inevitably weaken teams. Due to the lack of interpersonal distance in particular, it is therefore all the more important in dental practices not to let conflicts arise in the first place, or to defuse them and to deal with them professionally. LEADERSHIP: UNWRITTEN RULES IN TEAMS Conflicts can be triggered by a wide variety of actions, such as changes within the team through expansion, takeover, separation, family planning, new hires, dismissal, and the transfer of tasks, responsibilities, and competences. Suddenly nothing is as it used to be – and the causes are not necessarily due to the new employees. System-inherent faults often only become apparent as a result. From a constructivistic point of view, each team is a system of its own, whether it is a family, a practice or a large company. Every system needs clear limits to function smoothly. The larger the practice, the more important systemic interaction becomes. A disregard of the systemic principles will inevitably lead to conflicts. The systemic principles according to Insa Sparrer and Varga von Kibed describe five principles that build on each other: The principle of non-denial The principle of non-denial is a superordinate principle: it concerns all subsequent principles. Here one needs to answer the question as to whether we are honestly facing the facts. If there is no communication about important facts in the long run, thenmistrust and uncertainty inevitably arise. The associated loss of trust hampers good cooperation and thus also the productivity of the company. If, for example, hierarchies are neglected by communicating across hierarchical levels, the consequence is that the excluded manager is devalued. This paralyzes their leadership competence. Everything we deny because it is unpleasant inevitably creates distance as the connection is interrupted. For example, if persons have been mobbed and this is not discussed, it may well be that a next employee is also mobbed – it is as if the company had a memory. What happens in the practice must be recognized in principle – as it is and as it was.