Partner Magazine logo 19

logo 19 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • December 2018 31 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT The principle of systemic balance This principle is all about the balance between giving and taking. Special attention should be paid to the focus on systemic balancing principles. Those who constantly give and get little or nothing in return lose their motivation. If there is no permanent balance, discontent, excessive demands and demotivation will develop, which in turn leads to tension and a poisoned atmosphere. Those who take without balance fall into an economical debt – not an emotional debt. The precedence of higher performance and skills This principle deals with the question of whether employees are encouraged and deployed according to their abilities. Is there appreciation and recognition of their special achievements or their explicit knowledge? Do employees receive corresponding activities and the commensurate remuneration based on their know-how? Performance and skills must be recognized and appreciated, otherwise motivation will decrease as will the willingness to contribute performance and knowledge. Only the recognition of skills enables real progress and strengthens competitiveness. Recognition of higher commitment for the greater good/hierarchies The third systemic law strengthens the so-called “formation of the system’s immune power”. Do employees at the same level really have the same rights? Or are implicit hierarchies already emerging, or is a secret leadership emerging? Here the question needs to be clarified as to whether hierarchies are clearly adhered to and communicated. Every unclear hierarchy or diffuse structure weakens the company. The consequence is discontent and the working atmosphere suffers. Employees then look for their own position and often unconsciously overstep competences. Recognition of chronological order Is long affiliation appreciated? Is the resulting experience appreciated accordingly? In spite of changed structures, the period of affiliation is a valuable asset. Potential for conflict arises quickly when longstanding employees feel they are at a disadvantage. The order in which managers and employees have to be informed, who is assigned to which activities, tasks and projects, or who is assigned competences and responsibilities, is important, as otherwise informal communication structures will quickly form which will be harmful to the company in the long term. But beware: those who have been in the system longer do not necessarily have more rights, but their affiliation must be valued. This ensures the opportunity for growth. The right to belong The right to belong secures the limits of the system. And every system needs clear external limits. Who belongs where? Who needs to be informed? Who has which rights? This includes belonging to teams, departments and projects. Even all the staff who have ever been employed remain in the “memory of the practice” – with all their strengths and weaknesses. Likewise, the founders of a company always form a part, because the system owes them its existence. This secures the limits of the system. When refusing to belong, this can “hurt” not only persons but also values. FIRST PRINCIPLE THIRD PRINCIPLE FOURTH PRINCIPLE FIFTH PRINCIPLE SECOND PRINCIPLE