Partner Magazine logo 49

logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine Case study | 13 1. An 82-year-old patient presented in the practice for the first time following recommendation by a friend. He complained that the teeth in the upper jaw were very mobile and it was becoming increasingly difficult to chew without pain. He was very active mentally and physically, and goes skiing and hiking several times a year. A removable denture was unthinkable for him, and he also wanted to avoid palatal coverage under all circumstances. 3. Systematic periodontitis treatment was conducted at the beginning of therapy. As part of the anti-infective therapy, the teeth that were not worth preserving were extracted and a removable temporary denture was provided. Digital implant planning and fabrication of the implant template as well as the CAD/CAM-fabricated temporary restoration were performed by DEDICAM in close coordination with the dentist and dental technician (Müller-Edelhoff Laboratory/Wörrstadt). 5. Final corrections to the implant position and axis inclinations were made in the planning meeting and the implant-prosthetic components for the restoration of the case were selected. The bridge was milled from a TELIO CAD blank in one piece. In addition to other advantages, such as the accuracy of fit and the correct milling of the adhesive channels, fractures, which occur frequently with conventionally manufactured temporary restorations, can be avoided. 2. Due to the periodontal condition in the upper jaw, the prognosis for tooth-preserving therapy was not good. The lower jaw was free of complaints except for tooth 36; tooth 34 had received an alio loco root tip resection a few months ago. The patient was currently not participating in a prophylaxis recall or in supportive periodontal therapy (PPT), and systematic periodontal treatment had last been performed approximately 7-8 years ago. 4. The situation models with the original tooth status, which were scanned and digitized, were used together with the patient's DVT to plan the drilling template and the pre-surgically created temporary CAD/CAM bridge. The CAD/CAM-fabricated temporary restoration was to be based on the initial findings with regard to the shape and position of the teeth, which we modified in favor of esthetics as we proceeded. 6. On the day of surgery, the remaining teeth, which served to stabilize the interim prosthesis, were extracted in a bone-conserving manner. Attention was paid to protecting the vestibular lamella. Only a sufficiently high primary stability averaging 30 Ncm allows for a directly screw-retained temporary restoration in the edentulous jaw.