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logo 50 | the Camlog Partner Magazine logo 50 | the Camlog Partner Magazine 34 | News News | 35 NEWS Altatec and Camlog place considerable emphasis on training their own specialists, which is why they continue to adhere to their training concept. The reason being that over the years, the trainees have come to appreciate the company's philosophy and know they can rely on Altatec and Camlog even in difficult times. Every year, an average of six new apprentices start their careers at our site in Wimsheim to pursue a profession as industrial clerks, industrial mechanics, machining mechanics, machine and plant operators, materials testers, warehouse logistics specialists or event organization administrators. To ensure that the students feel at home during their training period at Altatec and Camlog, gain extensive practical work experience and further develop their knowledge, a far-reaching training concept has been developed within the company which complements the vocational school curriculum and optimally prepares the trainees for their future jobs. Learning from the experts During the training period, the trainees pass through different departments of the company, where they are assigned their own tasks and are actively involved in projects. During this process they become acquainted with the entire organization and build up their personal network within the company. This promotes social interaction as well as the exchange of experience and ideas between the experts and the young talents. Right at the outset, there is an intensive four-day communication, presentation and team training course as well as project management for the newcomers with the objective of promoting key skills and equipping them with the necessary tools for their professional future. Trainee excursions and various employee events provide the necessary variety to the daily work routine and strengthen the family spirit. Attractive benefits In addition to future-proof prospects, the trainees at Altatec and Camlog can also look forward to attractive company benefits. In addition to their apprenticeship pay, they receive a vacation and Christmas bonus, capital-building benefits and an allowance for the fitness center. Furthermore, trainees receive numerous benefits via the employee benefits platform. Promoting young talent Altatec and Camlog have allocated eight training positions for the 2022/23 school year. Overall, there are 16 trainees at the site, three of whom are preparing for their final winter exams. There are still training positions available for 2023 - so it pays to be quick. » For many young people, vocational training is the first step into an independent and "serious" life. Training marks the beginning of an exciting time for them, during which they will learn a great deal and develop their skills further. Learning from the bottom up To the apprenticeship positions for 2023: Justin Franke (industrial clerk) » What I particularly enjoy about the training is that I get to pass through different departments at Altatec and Camlog, which gives me a better understanding of the context of the processes. In addition, I was allowed to "get a feel" for the laboratory at the Tübingen site and spend some time with the sales force. I am actively involved in the day-to-day business and my colleagues are very helpful. Whenever I have a question, they take the time to explain things in detail. Kamila Zurakowska (industrial clerk) » What I like most about the training is that one gets a great overview of all departments and therefore gets to know many colleagues and also understand the procedures in the company better. Through the autonomous work and the trust placed in me, I was able to further develop myself professionally as well as privately. Altatec and Camlog attach great importance to the trainees being involved in the day-to-day business and providing their input. This gives me the feeling that my work is important. I am happy that I can do my training here. Muhammad-Rasul Nazar (industrial mechanic) » I enjoy that I am allowed to perform my tasks independently but can still count on the help of my colleagues. I am fortunate in that a lot is explained and shown to me, which motivates me a lot. Melih Cetin (machining mechanic) » What I particularly like about my training as a machining mechanic is that it broadens my horizon every single day. The seminars and projects make you grow together as a team. Jona Ehrhardt (industrial mechanic) » What I particularly like about my training is that I can plan my tasks independently and put them into practice. And on top, the diverse and varied activities never make training boring. Elif Guezelkaya (industrial clerk) » Already during my training at Altatec and Camlog I find the friendly attitude and willingness to help each other great. I feel very well looked after in this company, everyone is available to help me with any questions or other concerns. Our instructors supervise us throughout the entire training and provide sufficient feedback on our performance. Diana Stolz (event administrator) » Even during my probationary period, I was allowed to work at a large congress and symposium as well as represent Camlog at a training fair for the profession of event management. I feel listened to and appreciated here. Leon Brattke (event logistics) » I am very grateful that I was given the opportunity to be trained here. I like the way that I have been warmly welcomed in every department and that I can learn and understand the context as well as the background of my activities. Elif Guezelkaya, Kamila Zurakowska, Melih Cetin, Sergio Dianella, Veronika Brunner Muhammad-Rasul Nazar, Diana Stolz, Mehmet-Can Islenmis, Laura Widmann, Justin Franke, Alexander Petri