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logo 50 | the Camlog Partner Magazine News | 33 logo 50 | the Camlog Partner Magazine 32 | b.aware NEWS The shell of the building is erected To be more precise, we support selected projects throughout Germany which are aimed at families as well as children and young people in various life situations. In addition, we encourage our employees to engage in volunteer work. Our donations are allocated in different ways. Some are used for projects in the Pforzheim region; for example, a substantial amount goes to the Sterneninsel Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst Pforzheim und Enzkreis e. V. This outpatient children's and young people's hospice service accompanies families as they deal with the issues of illness, dying, death and mourning. With the help of our donation, their many volunteers can support families with children suffering from life-limiting illnesses. During the Corona peak phase in particular, we were able to provide the charity with FFP2 masks as well as disinfectants to enable the best possible care for the families even Social commitment B.AWARE » Taking on responsibility and improving people's quality of life is part of our philosophy. For many years now, we have been involved in specific social projects. Not only in the Pforzheim region, but all over Germany, Camlog supports different projects we feel strongly about with donations in cash and in kind. After the first expansion of production in 2009 and the new marketing & sales building in 2018, the current construction represents yet another milestone in the company's history. The growing demand for Camlog implants makes this investment a necessity. At present, products are already being distributed from Wimsheim to more than 80 countries around the world. More and more people are willing to invest in their dental health. Those who lose teeth, want good replacement teeth which should look as natural as possible and restore the function of their dentition. During this decision process, many patients opt for dental implants - the popularity is increasing worldwide. To be able to satisfy the increasing demand for implants and prosthetics in the future, production capacities need to be expanded. Next to additional workplaces, the extension will also provide more space for the assembly and secondary packaging areas as well as for the main warehouse, the clean room and future-oriented technologies such as the modern 3D printing area. At the same time, the laboratory where surface finishing of the implants is performed and which is currently located in Tübingen, will move to the new building. This will allow production processes to be further optimized and production capacities to be expanded. In addition, travel distances are also reduced in the interests of sustainability. during this exceptional situation. Furthermore, we also support the Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe e. V. [German Cleft Childrens Aid], which offers comprehensive help to children with a cleft lip and palate worldwide. The other part of our funds is made available to our colleagues in our eight sales regions in Germany. They are on the road every day, live there and therefore know best where help is needed in their environment. It is important to us that we give something of our business success back to those who miss out in society. Also thanks to you, our customers, we were able to support more than 16 facilities nationwide in 2022. » The new production and logistics building of ALTATEC GmbH, the manufacturer of Camlog implants, is impossible to miss in the Maybachstraße in Wimsheim. A lot has happened since the groundbreaking ceremony in the spring of 2022. The shell of the building is largely complete and the work on the interior has begun. As of the second half of 2023, production will be expanded by 6,500 sqm.