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logo 50 | the Camlog Partner Magazine logo 50 | the Camlog Partner Magazine 48 | Events Events | 49 One of the highlights at the dental technology congress: the talk show on the subject of cooperation at eye level – what are the mutual expectations? MDT Otto Prandtner and Dr. Martin Gollner moderated the 7th CAMLOG DENTAL TECHNOLOGY CONGRESS Oral surgeon Dr. Alexander Volkmann (Eisenach/ Jena) and MDT Sebastian Schuldes, M.Sc., (Eisenach) presented a number of impressive cases to demonstrate how immediate restorations, be it for single teeth or edentulous jaws, can achieve the planned functional esthetic goal in a short space of time when working as a team. Whereby their work is strictly aligned with current scientific findings. Accordingly, immediate implantation has established itself as a therapeutic concept over the past few years and, with strict indication, provides highly predictable esthetic results with survival rates of 96 to 97 percent. The original mucosa and bone situation are also preserved in the best possible manner with immediate implantation. However, a prerequisite for the successful immediate loading of immediate implants is high primary stability of the implants. Another advantage is patient satisfaction, which is significantly higher for immediate implantation at 95 percent than for delayed implantation at 84 percent. Dr. Benedikt Schebiella (Oberschleißheim) and MDT Bastian Wagner (Mindelheim) focused on the numerous benefits of innovative digital tools for interdisciplinary collaboration. This begins with the intraoral scanner by providing optimal documents for backward planning, to industrially precision-manufactured individual gingiva formers from the DEDICAM Scan and Design Service for an esthetically perfectly shaped soft tissue, through to the AI-supported software "eLAB" for an optimized analysis and reproduction of tooth shades. The software determines the exact color values and gradients over the entire tooth surface on the basis of digital photos and calculates the individual mixing ratio of the colors for the reproduction. The results of such tools are realistic visualizations, optimized planning, more effective and thus more efficient treatment procedures, and the optimal congruence of the implant position and the patient-specific prosthetic restoration. For MDT Ilka Johannemann (Münster), the individuality of the patient comes first. A treatment team needs sufficient empathy with the patient and an understanding of his or her wishes and needs. She therefore plans the restoration on the basis of situation models and wax-ups as a matter of principle. The reason being that this would also be an excellent way to determine whether any useful esthetic gum corrections should possibly be discussed with the dentist from a technical point of view. Adding on to this, the passion for the detailed elaboration of patient-specific distinctive features such as tooth shade, the angular feature between the two incisors or the profile of the incisal edges of the upper anterior teeth in congruence with the smile line. Her motto: "Doing is like wanting, only more blatant". DT Andreas Nolte (Münster) focused on the perfect design of a central incisor. At the same time, he provided a number of practical tips for daily work: fluorescent abutments could be used to achieve fluorescence corresponding to the natural adjacent teeth for a thin gingiva type and light tooth shade. Retzius lines, marginal ridges and curvatures can be evaluated more readily if they are viewed at the workstation under different light incidence. The adjacent incisor is suitable as a template for the restoration of a central incisor by rotating it and placing it in the position of the tooth to be shaped. However, it is important not to create "an identical twin", because only "Imperfection creates individuality. Individuality creates value". This also applies to the reproduction of structural defects. Ultimately, however, it is always the patient's satisfaction that counts. The talk show on the subject of cooperation at eye level – what are the mutual expectations? turned out to be a true highlight. To this end, the moderators had asked the congress participants in advance in writing about various topics and were able to evaluate over 100 (!) questionnaires. Among other things, they asked: Are you satisfied with the dentists' planning prior to starting treatment? On the seven-digit rating scale, more than half of the dental technicians rated the collaboration as positive, although the planning competence of the dental technician had not yet registered with all dentists. Do you discuss the patient's esthetic requirements in the interdisciplinary team prior to treatment? This question was also answered with a clear "yes" by a large majority. The answer to the question "As a dental technician, are you satisfied with the implant position?" came as a bit of a disappointment. Only close to one third wanted to fully confirm this, which corresponded with the desire for optimized planning to avoid later corrections as well as for a clinical function protocol. However, there was "considerable praise" for the dentists for the question: Are the treatment records sent by the dentists/treatment providers complete? This had improved noticeably - as had the positions of the inserted implants - and thus allow correspondingly good technical dental work. The participants of the talk show themselves all reported good and result-oriented cooperation at a high level and with great mutual trust. During the closing, Martin Lugert and Markus Stammen bade farewell to the participants and made the promise to continue the tradition and to hold what will then be the 8TH CAMLOG DENTAL TECHNOLOGY CONGRESS in two years' time. The applause of the participants not only expressed joyful anticipation of the next event, but was also a call to fulfill their expectations at the same time. One can already look forward to the topics and the speakers! © Oemus-media AG