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logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine 38 | Praxismanagement and this is indirectly a bonus for those listed. An interface could also be used to automatically import the latest rating into the practice homepage. It is recommended to link these platforms several times to the practice homepage to the respective relevant places and not merely to the landing page, as this generates valuable references, so-called backlinks, to the own homepage. Some portal entries make it possible to store relevant keywords and thus achieve greater exposure not only in the portal, but also in the Google search results. But beware: not every seal of approval is recommendable! Even if offers from various portals may sound flattering, one should carefully check whether a quality seal without transparent rating rules is really positive for the reputation of the practice. In addition, paid listing in many portals is not that useful, as it displaces your own web presence in the Google ranking. Active recommendation management The first step in recommendation management is to actively motivate patients to pass on their positive impressions. Here, you and your staff should communicate in a well-dosed balanced manner. If patients express satisfaction on their own initiative, you can tell them directly that you would welcome them to recommend your practice to others. You can also ask patients who express their enthusiasm for a particular treatment to share this information on the web. Make a note to that effect when a patient tells you that they became aware of you following referral from a specific person. If a patient has recommended your practice repeatedly, speak to that patient directly and thank him/her. According to the Anti-Corruption Act, you may not give gifts that are directly related to a dental service or offer reduced-price treatments or discounts. However, a friendly reward for recommendations in the form of a small gift is allowed. Cross-Media – wherever possible Generate your personal QR code with a free generator that links directly to the desired content and place your code on all communication tools. Be it the practice brochure, flyers for individual treatments, the practice sign or the letterhead: a discreet reference via a QR code to the portal most relevant to you certainly makes sense. The copywriter of your website can also include a note in the meta tags of your site, so that this information already appears in the Google search results. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn – your practice rating is always worth a post. Do you place advertisements in daily newspapers or do you work with citylights, advertising on buses or in subway stations? Here too, a reference to your ratings, top ranking, or practice score may prove useful. Be it radio spots or telephone announcements - acoustic communication can also be used in rating management. Refer to your favorite rating portal on your business card. On occasions it might prove opportune to give patients several business cards to pass on instead of just one. And in the case of e-mails, a link in the signature can refer directly to your portal listing. In short: there are numerous ways you can incorporate free of charge into your existing communications strategy to best push your rating management. Also involve your practice team and turn your employees into ambassadors! It is always important to manage recommendations consciously, as this lets you ensure, at little additional effort, that existing patients recommend your practice to others and lets you attract new patients. Your reviews reflect the experiences of your patients. And this always includes the entire practice team. For this reason I will dedicate the next article to the topic of employee satisfaction. A tip: