Partner Magazine logo 49

logo 49 | The Camlog Partner Magazine News | 39 Dear Françoise, we have come to know you as a reliable, team-oriented colleague. Our customers know you as a competent power woman with a French accent, who tirelessly supports studies and publications. Where did your interest in research come from? I have always been interested in medicine, the effect of drugs or food on the human body. I acquired my knowledge base of clinical research in the pharmaceutical industry. I have been working for oral implant dentistry companies for over 20 years now, have a degree in Business Administration and a Masters in Public Health. What falls under Clinical Research? The patient is always at the focus of studies. We test our own products scientifically for safety and efficacy with the aim of providing evidence-based proof of the properties of the implant systems and to ensure the long-term clinical success of the implants. Depending on the objective of the studies, case documentations, large field studies or randomized, controlled multi-center studies are employed. The studies are conducted worldwide in cooperation with universities, but also with private dental practices to cover the entire patient spectrum. To protect study participants, high ethical, methodical and scientific requirements must always be complied with in the planning, execution and evaluation. Where are the study results presented? The results of the clinical studies on topics such as the clinical long-term success or the effectiveness of treatment options contribute to the improvement and further development of our products and are presented regularly at congresses and then published – on the website of the OR Foundation or in the literature review Camlog & Science or articles and of course in logo. Peter and I have been working together on logo publications for a long time now. And he will do this very well in the future, without a doubt. At the congresses of the OR Foundation you support the section for young scientists. Oh yes, this is one of my pet projects. I have been » Françoise Peters, Head of Clinical Research since 2006 and a valuable member of the logo editorial team, started a new phase in her life in June. Françoise is well known to most (younger) researchers, as she coordinated study and grant applications on behalf of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation as Senior Clinical Project Advisor. Since 2009 - logo No. 19 - Françoise has been responsible for the science section in our partner magazine, which will in future be edited by Peter Thommen, her long-time colleague. We say thank you – and wish you an exciting start to the new stage of life NEWS So I'm done, would you like to hear my good (non) retirement resolutions sometime?